Organics 101: A Stakeholder’s Guide to Organic Waste Material and Potential Strategies for Processing
By Dane Campbell and Evan Williams • Waste Advantage Magazine
The subject of recycling, processing and handling organic waste has been a leading-edge subject inside the waste industry for many years. Roughly 35 percent of the weight being hauled and dumped in landfills is an organic fraction. There is a focus to reduce the amount of organic waste from landfills, mostly due to methane pollution. Many companies in the U.S. want to help this situation and have many different ideas, but without much experience, it can be difficult to select the right solutions.
CalRecycle Must Rework Language of SB 1383 Rulemaking Package
Arlene Karidis •
The California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) has disapproved a rulemaking package of the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) that contains proposed regulations for implementation of SB-1383, a law set to take effect in January 2022 that mandates diversion of organic waste from landfills to reduce methane gas generation.