
ReFED Shares Concerns About Recent Food Waste Ban Study
While the study makes claims about food waste, it assesses total disposed waste rather than just the organic fraction. Further, the study only evaluates policies from 2016 or earlier.

Report: Wastewater recycling essential to resilient water future for LA region
Source: UCLA Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Washington legislature passes bill expanding food waste donation and recycling requirements
The bill establishes a multipronged approach to help Washington achieve its food waste reduction goals, echoing the U.S. EPA’s latest Wasted Food Scale priorities.
Soure: WasteDive

Digester to close doors amid permitting conflict with state
Odor complaints and runoff concerns led to closer scrutiny and the determination that the facility’s liquid digestate could not be legally authorized for land application through the solid waste program.

Why is California funding big dairies in Minnesota?
Rural communities are concerned about the growing role of fossil fuel companies in farm operations for out-of-state anaerobic digestion projects.
Source: Minnpost

US EPA Releases Food Waste and Landfill Methane Report
58% of the methane from landfills comes from food waste
61% of the total methane produced is released to the atmosphere
For each metric ton of food waste that goes into a landfill you get about 0.86 tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) released to the atmosphere as methane — effectively a 1:1 equivalent
In 2020 landfilled food scraps released 55 million tons of CO2e to the atmosphere

Electric Kitchen “Composter” Confusion
Molding and plant growth trials, along with product characteristic analyses, were done with output from two different kitchen food waste dehydrator units and compared to “real” compost.

McKinsey & Co.: Reducing food loss: What grocery retailers and manufacturers can do
An estimated $600 billion worth of food is lost during or just after harvest. Can manufacturers and grocers do anything about it? Definitely—and it will be good for business, people, and the planet.

US waste and recycling industry worth $91B in 2022, landfill capacity consolidation continues
The U.S. waste and recycling industry was worth an estimated $91 billion in revenue during 2022, according to data from research and consulting firm Waste Business Journal, up from $82 billion in 2021.

ReFED Releases New Food Loss And Waste Stats
Source: BioCycle
ReFED’s analysis places the value of food that went unsold or uneaten at $444 billion in 2021, approximately 2% of U.S. GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

Harrison-Agromin Organic Waste Recycling Facility Receives Permits
Expansion of commercial food waste recycling capacity recently received a big boost when the city of Oxnard approved permits needed for a new processing operation off Mountain View Avenue.
Our business partner Agromin secured permits for its Mountain View Organic Waste Processing Facility as it prepares to launch a facility that can process source-separated commercial food waste.
In the works since 2017, the facility will be able to process up to 300 tons a day of source-separated organic waste, helping to convert it into animal feed, organic fertilizer or bioenergy.
To meet the challenges of California Senate Bill 1383, which mandates recycling of food and other organic waste to reduce climate-harming methane gas emissions from landfills, Agromin has spent years working with Harrison and local officials to launch the new Mountain View facility.
Mountain View will significantly expand our recycling capacity, as will Agromin’s project to expand its Limoneira compost facility in the Santa Clara River Valley to handle commercial and residential food waste.

Los Angeles launches citywide organics service, awards compost contracts worth up to $1.67B
Source: Waste Dive
Los Angeles has been working to scale up its food waste collection program in recent years, in part to comply with California’s SB 1383 law which now requires local jurisdictions to offer organics collection service. That policy aims to reduce organic waste disposal 75% by 2025, which has been described by CalRecycle as an “uphill battle” in part due to pandemic setbacks.

How SB 1383 Compliance Affects California Grocers
Stefanie Valentic •
Food-focused businesses such as grocers face a particular set of challenges to meet compliance. CalRecycle's Environmental Program Manager Kyle Pogue recently provided context about SB 1383 and the ramifications and requirements for California grocers.

Issuance of Medium VolumeTransfer/Processing Facility Permit for Riverbank Organics Project, SWIS No. 50-AA-0055
On January 8, 2021, the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), as the solid waste Enforcement Agency for Stanislaus County, received a Registration Permit Application for the subject facility. The Registration Permit Application was submitted for a new Medium Volume Transfer/Processing Facility pursuant to Title 14, California Code of Regulations Section 17403.6. The Registration Permit Application was accepted as complete and correct for filing on February 4, 2021. The Registration Permit was issued on February 9, 2021.
For more information, click on the Read More link below.

New CalRecycle SB1383 Web Pages Published
CalRecycle has published new SB 1383 webpages which include a new homepage, documents included in the final rulemaking package as such the final and approved regulatory text, webpages dedicated to collection, procurement, food recovery, and ?resources for jurisdictions, food donors, and food recovery organizations and services. The webpages will be updated as new resources are made available.
Here is the link:
Please direct all questions, comments, and concerns to

Efforts on all levels needed to reduce $161B in US food waste
Amanda Little • Bloomberg News
Even before COVID-19, Americans, on average, were tossing away more than a pound of uneaten food per person each day, amounting to some 400 pounds of food thrown out annually. That’s far more than any other wealthy country — about 50% more food waste per capita than France and nearly double that of the U.K. According to U.S. government estimates, the cost of U.S. food waste comes out to $161 billion annually. The environmental costs are abysmal.

Registration Open for CRRA’s 44th Annual Conference & Trade Show August 16-19, 2020
Each year, the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) organizes one of the most comprehensive and informative conferences dedicated to resource management issues in California and beyond. CRRA is well known for its training and educational offerings since the early 1970s. The Annual Conference and Trade Show attracts over 600 individuals annually and showcases an estimated 30 sessions each year with over 100 industry experts as presenters.